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- Six Ouvertures Avec Deux Violons, Violoncello et un partie expres pour le Clavecin: Dedié a Monsieur Richard Wynne Cocchi, Gioacchino Kulukundis II.SW 14/22-27 19 -
Titel: Six Ouvertures Avec Deux Violons, Violoncello et un partie expres pour le Clavecin: Dedié a Monsieur Richard Wynne
Verfasser: Cocchi, Gioacchino
Jahr: 1768
- Six Concertos for three Violins a Tenor & Violoncello To which may be added Adlibitum Two Repiano Violins & a Thorough Bass for the Harpsichord: Most Humbly Dedicated to Sir Wm: Young Bart. ; Opera IIId Barthélémon, François-Hippolyte Kulukundis II.SW 14/28-33 18 -
Titel: Six Concertos for three Violins a Tenor & Violoncello To which may be added Adlibitum Two Repiano Violins & a Thorough Bass for the Harpsichord: Most Humbly Dedicated to Sir Wm: Young Bart. ; Opera IIId
Verfasser: Barthélémon, François-Hippolyte
Jahr: 1770
- ¬A¬ Select Overture In 8 Parts: Number II Giordani, Tommaso Kulukundis II.SW 14/3 17 -
Titel: ¬A¬ Select Overture In 8 Parts: Number II
Verfasser: Giordani, Tommaso
Jahr: 1770
- ¬A¬ Favourite Concerto For the Hoboy Or German Flute with Instrumental Parts Fischer, Johann Christian Kulukundis II.SW 14/34 16 -
Titel: ¬A¬ Favourite Concerto For the Hoboy Or German Flute with Instrumental Parts
Verfasser: Fischer, Johann Christian
Jahr: 1768
- N°. [I-VI] A Concerto in 7 Parts: Dedicated To His Royal Highness the Duke of Cumberland ; Opera XV ; N B. These Concertos are intended to be Published one ev'ry Month till the Six are compleated Giardini, Felice Kulukundis II.SW 14/35-40 15 -
Titel: N°. [I-VI] A Concerto in 7 Parts: Dedicated To His Royal Highness the Duke of Cumberland ; Opera XV ; N B. These Concertos are intended to be Published one ev'ry Month till the Six are compleated
Verfasser: Giardini, Felice
Jahr: 177172
- Deux Concertos A Violon Principal Premier et Second Deßus Alto et Baße: Oeuvre IIe. Guénin, Marie Alexandre Kulukundis II.SW 14/41-42 13 -
Titel: Deux Concertos A Violon Principal Premier et Second Deßus Alto et Baße: Oeuvre IIe.
Verfasser: Guénin, Marie Alexandre
Jahr: 1769
- Twelve Concerto's In Seven Parts: Dedicated to the Philarmonick Society ; The first eight Concerto's for four Violins, one Tenor, one Violoncello, and a Thorough Bass. The last four Concerto's for two German Flutes, two Violins, &c. ; Opera Terza Festing, Michael Christian Kulukundis II.SW 14/43-54 12 -
Titel: Twelve Concerto's In Seven Parts: Dedicated to the Philarmonick Society ; The first eight Concerto's for four Violins, one Tenor, one Violoncello, and a Thorough Bass. The last four Concerto's for two German Flutes, two Violins, &c. ; Opera Terza
Verfasser: Festing, Michael Christian
Jahr: 1734
- Six Concerto's In seven Parts for four Violins, a Tenor, Violoncello & Thorough Bass for the Harpsichord: Opera nona Festing, Michael Christian Kulukundis II.SW 14/55-60 10 -
Titel: Six Concerto's In seven Parts for four Violins, a Tenor, Violoncello & Thorough Bass for the Harpsichord: Opera nona
Verfasser: Festing, Michael Christian
Jahr: 1750
- 14. ¬The¬ Periodical Overture In 8 Parts: Number XIIII ; To be continued Monthly Jommelli, Niccolò Kulukundis II.SW 14/6 9 -
Titel: 14. ¬The¬ Periodical Overture In 8 Parts: Number XIIII ; To be continued Monthly
Verfasser: Jommelli, Niccolò
Jahr: 1766
- 22. Tré Concerti Per Violini Principale Violino Primo, Secondo, Alto e Basso: Opera I.a Riepel, Joseph Kulukundis II.SW 14/62-64 7 -
Titel: 22. Tré Concerti Per Violini Principale Violino Primo, Secondo, Alto e Basso: Opera I.a
Verfasser: Riepel, Joseph
Jahr: 17671768
- ¬A¬ Concerto for all performers & admirers of the Violin, in Seven Parts (Viz) Violin Principal, Violin Primo, Violin Secondo, Two Horns, Tenor and Bass Just, Johann August Kulukundis II.SW 14/65 6 -
Titel: ¬A¬ Concerto for all performers & admirers of the Violin, in Seven Parts (Viz) Violin Principal, Violin Primo, Violin Secondo, Two Horns, Tenor and Bass
Verfasser: Just, Johann August
Jahr: 17691773
- Six Quartettos for a German Flute, Violin, Tenor and Violoncello: Dedicated to his Excellency Sr. William Young Bart. Governor of Dominico &c &c ; Opera VIII Bach, Johann Christian Rara II, 629-D 5 -
Titel: Six Quartettos for a German Flute, Violin, Tenor and Violoncello: Dedicated to his Excellency Sr. William Young Bart. Governor of Dominico &c &c ; Opera VIII
Verfasser: Bach, Johann Christian
Jahr: 1772
- Three Quartets for two Violins a Tenor & Bass Pugnani, Gaetano Kulukundis II.SW 14/72-74 3 -
Titel: Three Quartets for two Violins a Tenor & Bass
Verfasser: Pugnani, Gaetano
Jahr: 1763
- ¬A¬ Second sett of three Quartets for two Violins a Tenor & Bass Pugnani, Gaetano Kulukundis II.SW 14/75-77 2 -
Titel: ¬A¬ Second sett of three Quartets for two Violins a Tenor & Bass
Verfasser: Pugnani, Gaetano
Jahr: 1763
- Six Quatuor A deux Violons, Taille, et Basse Obligés: Opera I Haydn, Joseph Kulukundis II.SW 14/78-83 1 -
Titel: Six Quatuor A deux Violons, Taille, et Basse Obligés: Opera I
Verfasser: Haydn, Joseph
Jahr: 1772
